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How Setting Goals Can Boost Your Self-Worth After Emotional Turmoil


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Your self-worth is intrinsic—it does not depend on external events, achievements, or the opinions of others. It comes from who you are, not just what you do. However, when life throws emotional upheaval our way—whether it’s the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, financial instability, or a significant life transition—we often start questioning our worth. We mistakenly measure our value based on circumstances instead of recognizing our inherent worth. 

So, how do we rebuild self-worth when everything feels uncertain? 

The Power of Goal-Setting 

Setting goals can be a powerful way to reaffirm your self-worth because goals come from within—from your desires, dreams, and purpose—rather than being dictated by outside influences. Unlike other people’s opinions or fleeting circumstances, goals give you a sense of direction and a way to measure progress that is completely in your control. 

In my book Awaken the Power Within, I talk about three types of goals that can help you move forward after emotional turmoil: 


1. Foundational Goals – These are goals based on the skills and strengths you already have. They remind you of what you’re capable of and help you build confidence. 

2. Growth Goals – These push you beyond your comfort zone, helping you expand your potential and rebuild trust in yourself. 

3. Soul Goals – These are the big, bold dreams that align with your higher purpose and bring deep fulfillment. 

When life feels turbulent, it’s natural to want to retreat, numb the pain, or get lost in self-doubt. But instead of pulling away from life, what if you leaned into it by setting intentional goals that affirm who you are and where you want to go? 

Three Goal-Setting Tips to Strengthen Your Self-Worth 

Here are three ways you can use goal-setting as a tool to rebuild confidence, find clarity, and reclaim your self-worth


1. Start with a Foundational Goal: Remind Yourself of What You Can Do 

After emotional upheaval, your confidence might feel shaken. Start by setting a small, achievable goal that reinforces what you’re already good at. If you’ve always been great at organizing, set a goal to rearrange your living space or declutter a room. If you love writing, commit to journaling for 10 minutes a day. These simple foundational goals help rebuild trust in yourself and remind you of your strengths. 

2. Set a Growth Goal: Step Outside Your Comfort Zone 

Once you’ve reestablished confidence with a foundational goal, take it a step further. Growth goals help stretch you and show you that you are capable of more than you believe. This might mean signing up for a class, reaching out to a mentor, or having that difficult conversation you’ve been avoiding. Growth goals are essential because they help you move past the fear and self-doubt that emotional turmoil often brings. 

3. Dream Big with a Soul Goal: Reconnect with Your Vision

When life feels uncertain, it’s easy to stop dreaming. But this is exactly when you need your dreams the most. What is something you’ve always wanted to do? Maybe it’s writing a book, traveling to a dream destination, or starting a passion project. Setting a soul goal helps you see past the turbulence and focus on the bigger picture of your life. Even small steps toward a soul goal can reignite your sense of purpose and self-worth. 

Ready to Move Forward? Let’s Talk. 

Goal-setting may seem counterintuitive when you’re facing emotional turmoil, but it’s one of the most powerful tools for regaining control, confidence, and a sense of purpose. By setting foundational, growth, and soul goals, you create a roadmap to move forward—no matter what life throws your way. 

If you're ready to gain clarity and take the next step in your journey, I invite you to book a free strategy session with me. Together, we’ll explore where you are, where you want to go, and how to create a path that aligns with your highest vision. 

Click here to schedule your free strategy session today. 


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