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From Vision to Action: Aligning With Your Higher Purpose


Young person taking a leap of faith

At the start of a new year, many of us feel an inner stirring—a deep yearning that whispers, "You were meant for something greater." This isn’t mere coincidence; it’s your soul’s call to align with your true purpose. That call often manifests as a desire to set goals that push us toward transformation. But dreaming alone isn’t enough—action is what bridges the gap between where you are now and where you long to be.

When we talk about “big” goals, we’re often describing ones that stretch us beyond our comfort zone. These are the aspirations that ask us to develop new skills, embrace courage, and expand our vision of what’s possible. Whether it’s starting a new career, mastering a challenging skill, or stepping into the unknown, these goals require not only effort but also faith—in yourself and in the unseen forces working in your favor.

The Bridge Between the Seen and Unseen

Big goals are not just aspirations; they are a bridge between the visible world and the unseen realms of possibility. Setting a goal begins with a committed decision—not just wishing for something but truly deciding you’re willing to do what it takes to achieve it. And here’s the key: You don’t need to know how it will happen.

The "what"—what you want and what you would love—is grounded in the seen world. But the "how" resides in the unseen, where intuition and universal guidance come into play. This is often where people get stuck—they expect a clear, linear path from Point A to Point B. But the journey to your goals requires a leap of faith, trusting that the bridge will appear as you step forward.

Faith is tied to belief, and achieving your goals often means adopting new beliefs. This starts by asking new, empowering questions. For instance, instead of asking, "How can I make $1,000 this month?" ask, "How can I make $1,000 while spending two weeks in France?" The quality of your questions determines the quality of your answers—and opens the door to solutions you may not have considered before.

Tapping Into Intuition and Taking Action

Once you’ve made the decision to pursue a big goal, the next step is to quiet your mind and listen for guidance. Intuition often whispers answers to the “how” when the mind is calm and open. To prepare, try this simple exercise:

  1. Take a few deep breaths—in through your nose and out through your mouth as though you’re breathing through a straw. This will help calm your nervous system and center your focus.

  2. Ask yourself: “What can I do with what I have right now to take the next step toward my goal?” Write down every idea that comes to you without judgment. Aim for at least 25 ideas, no matter how small or unconventional they seem.

  3. Explore deeper questions, like:

    • What if it were possible?

    • What would I do in this moment if I already believed in my success?

    • What haven’t I tried before?

    • What am I afraid of?

From your list, choose five or six actions that resonate most with you. Then, schedule them in your planner and commit to taking those steps.

Vision Without Action is a Daydream

Remember, vision without action is a daydream, and action without vision is a nightmare. The magic lies in aligning your vision with intentional steps, trusting the process as it unfolds.

If you’d like support in turning your big goals into reality, I invite you to take the next step:

✨ Book a Strategy Session: Let’s work together to clarify your vision and map out actionable steps toward your dreams.

✨ Join My Free Vision Workshop: Held on the 3rd Saturday of each month, this workshop is designed to help you gain clarity, set powerful goals, and align with your higher purpose.

✨ Discover Tarot Insights: On the 4th Saturday of the month, join me for spiritual guidance and direction to help illuminate your next steps.


Your dreams are closer than you think. All it takes is the courage to take the first step. Let’s make this the year you awaken your full potential!



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